Metallic Green Bee

I’d hoped to catch a photo of some bumblebees but instead came across this beautiful metallic green bee, about the size of a honeybee or slightly larger. I don’t know for sure what species it is, but possibly Agapostermom Sericeus.  I’ve seen similar creatures, but I don’t recall ever seeing one quite this large.


Although tax-exempt charities, public opinion polls and POLITICAL CALLS aren’t covered by the do-not-call laws, automated recorded political calls are specifically spelled out as being prohibited by South Carolina Law 16-17-446.
16-17-446. Regulation of automatically dialed announcing device (ADAD.
(A) “Adad” means an automatically dialed announcing device which delivers a recorded message without assistance by a live operator for the purpose of making an unsolicited consumer telephone call as defined in Section 16-17-445(A)(3). Adad calls include automatically announced calls of a political nature including, but not limited to, calls relating to political campaigns.

The law goes on to state: Continue reading ‘AUTOMATED POLITICAL CALLS’ »

It’s State Fair Time !

The South Carolina State Fair has arrived for a 12 day run in Columbia. Opening day was shadowed by an accident with one of the rides -according to media reports, several people received minor injuries which were treated at the Fair’s first aid station.

Comments to media articles about the accident show a wide range of emotions. Some people feel the rides aren’t properly inspected, some that only idiots would ride something put together so quickly. Facts are, it’s not just the traveling rides that have accidents, injure and kill people. One website,, has some interesting records and statistics and a searchable database.

When you compare the current State Fair to how it was 35-40 years ago, there have been huge improvements. Now most of the equipment comes in ahead of time and is set up over a period of days. It once came in within hours of opening and while the fair officially opened on a Monday, the public was allowed inside on Sunday – WHILE the rides were being set up. Visitors were often given free rides that night so I doubt anything was inspected. Continue reading ‘It’s State Fair Time !’ »

Spider Lily – Lycoris Radiata: Fall Flowering Bulbs

In late September or early October, a tall stem bearing a frilly red flower suddenly pops out of the ground. It’s fall and Spider Lilies- Lycoris Radiata- are in bloom in the South.

Spider Lilies were brought to the United States in the 1850’s from Japan. They are hardy, easy to grow perennial bulbs that don’t have to be dug up each year. First the flower bearing stem appears, then when the flower begins to die, slender dark green leaves appear at the base of the stem. These leaves will remain green all winter, dying back in early summer.

As tempting as it may be to cut the leaves when spring arrives, it’s best to wait until they begin turning yellow – they are feeding the bulbs for next years’ blooms. Continue reading ‘Spider Lily – Lycoris Radiata: Fall Flowering Bulbs’ »

Fix World of Warcraft Stuck in Combat Issue

NEWEST UPDATE: I have found that if you are stuck in combat in World of Warcraft, an easy fix would be to just type /reload into your chat bar. What this essentially does, is reload your game interface without having to log out. Please comment below and let me know if this fixes your stuck combat issues also!

UPDATE: I just discovered that this idea doesn’t always work.Try switching between using escape and ctrl/alt/delete, my experiences this morning show one will eventually let you out of the game.

Some time ago my characters would get stuck in combat after I killed something, leaving me unable to eat, mount, or exit the game normally. I’ve noticed it happening again in Cataclysm recently. My characters’ health does not go up on it’s own, and I cannot eat, mount, or exit game, although I CAN bandage myself – health does go up from bandaging. Continue reading ‘Fix World of Warcraft Stuck in Combat Issue’ »

Intentional Overdosing of Over Counter Meds to Get High – Parents Beware!

Most parents are aware of smoking pot, abuse of prescription drugs and things such as meth, cocaine, crack, herion, sniffing different substances such as air duster, gasoline, paint, etc. So why are so many parents blind to over the counter medicines which are being abused? Wake up, people, and be aware that medicines in your bathroom cabinet can and are being abused!

One commonly abused medication is anything containing DXM – dextromethorphan. It’s found in cough and cold medicines – for example, Coricidin, Robitussin and generics. Some people refer to “Triple C”, named after Coricidin Cough and Cold. “Robo tripping” is, obviously, named after Robitussin. PEOPLE ARE INTENTIONALLY OVERDOSING THEMSELVES WITH THESE MEDICINES TO GET “HIGH!” Another medicine found in the family medicine cabinet being abused is Dramamine, or motion sickness pills

If you see empty blister packs or cough syrup bottles, be concerned. There is a ton of information on the internet about this – do your research. You’ll even come across forums and posts by people telling each other how to abuse these and other drugs. Google is your friend – use it. Wake up to what is going on before someone you love doesn’t wake up one day.


According to an article by CNN Money, our Washington lawmakers may be looking to charge motorists for each mile they drive. It’s unclear whether this would replace the current federal gas tax or if it would be added to it.

For years car makers have been pushed by government and public to produce more fuel efficient vehicles. Now that there are more fuel efficient vehicles on the roads, along with the fact many drivers try to cut back on the miles they drive because of excessive gasoline prices, government isn’t getting as much tax money to maintain roads.

On one hand, people who drive more would pay more towards road upkeep. On the other hand, people who have tried to conserve energy and cut back on gasoline use, would be penalized because they aren’t using as much gas. Odd, I thought government rewarded people for purchasing some fuel efficient cars – such as electric hybrids….

Regardless, adding any kind of tax or usage fee will cause the cost of goods to increase even more than it already has. Everything you buy from a store has to be transported to that store. You would be charged more for the products and it would also cost you more to travel to buy those goods.

Think about it.